PATRIOT BEE BEST is the digital bee sanctuary for education, engagement, and real change.Join today to learn about restoring the health of the American bee population and become a bee advocate.
Patriot Bee Best Mission Statement
Inspiring Patriots to engage in restoring the health of the American Bee population.
Who We Are
Ron and Sandra Wiseman - Owners
Ron and Sandra, residents of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, married in Atlanta, GA in 1992, come from unique and inspiring backgrounds. Ron is a 10-year veteran of the Air Force and a former IT executive while Sandra has an extensive medical research background. In 2020, we became aware of the diminishing bee population in the United States and the importance of bee health. Driven by our faith in God, our love for nature, the bees and our fellow men and women, we created Patriot Bee Best to a make a difference and improve the world for all.
Why Patriot Bee Best ?
Focused on restoration and preservation of the American Bee Population. Learn about how the honey bee benefits all of us, discover bee-friendly initiatives and help[ful resources.
- Education
- Advocacy
- Action
- Patriotic topics related to restoring and reinforcing American values
- Bee Friendly Products
- Bee Rescue Activities
- Events
- Connect with other patriots providing bee products/services